Monday 29 June 2009

commit thy way

Just when I am discouraged, I find that I look through things that I kept in a word document and one of those things is a reminder about committing my way to the lord and he will bring it to pass. I had long forgotten that I recorded a devotional about that and kept it. It gave me a little lift for the day.

Thursday 25 June 2009

The Hanna Effect

The great emptiness as usual is still there. However, things I read in scripture remind me that the lord cares and hears prayer. What I want to know is when am I going to get an answer? With that question in mind, I am reminded of how Hannah prayed desperately for a long time before she got an answer.

Tuesday 23 June 2009

Fill the Gap

Frankly the great emptiness I feel has not gone away. I may handle it better than I did in the later part of last year, but the truth is, I hate being alone.

Out at the theatre last night was ok. It was good to see dear friends on stage, but I am just so un fulfilled in my private life. I need God to do something out of the ordinary to fill the great need that I feel. once again, I was at the theatre alone. I did not go down for coffee, because I realised that every time I do that, it excentuates the problem. Having said that, I intend to go out for curry on Friday. At least plodding on is better than staying at home alone.

Monday 22 June 2009

Gig weekend

Last nights BBQ and prayer night was good. I enjoyed meeting those at Gig. One man in particular has a demeanor that reminds me of what I was once like. Shy, bashful. However I can see that he could go to just about any field and be useful with the skill he has. I am just a mucker in. I did feel for the first time in a long time that I actually connected with some people.

Friday 19 June 2009


This weekend we have the Getting Into Gear conference for new recruits. I will be attending the BBQ and prayer night on Sunday in the hope that I get to know some of them as I have argued that most of us do not get the chance to really engage with them. I am very sorry about this as I can think of two people who attended this conference in the past, but I did not get the chance to befriend them until much later. One of those people now works with me.