Monday 27 April 2009


I was reminded at devotions that there is nothing that can happen that will surprise the lord. If I commit my plans (Dreams) to him, then it is up to him to bring them to pass. In all circumstances, I can have peace.

Sunday 26 April 2009

A Name on a Signpost

When I was Driving home yesterday from a day out with the church at Bridgnorth. I returned by a route that I had not planned. I saw a sign pointing to what I presume is a village or Hamlet. The interesting thing was that it had the same name as someone I know, and pray for. This of course sparked off a prayer. One can pray when one is driving, it is not manditory to close ones eyes. It did make me wonder though if this was God in his kindness reassuing me.

Saturday 18 April 2009


I feel discouraged. there was a gig event that I was really looking forward to and now it is out of my hands and I feel discouraged and angry. However, there are two ways of handling this. the right way and the wrong way. I trust I find the right way.

Friday 17 April 2009

Be strong and of good courage

This morning the speaker for devotions was not there, so someone else suddenly stepped in with a simple message. "Be Strong and of Good Courage". I was glad to hear that because I intend to go on email this weekend and open up in a discussion that in my heart I know will take courage. It was good to know that God is behind me in this.

I also have an issue at work that I think is long overdue in being addressed and it has occured this weekend and this time I have gone in with everything I have to get it addressed for the future. I am recording these two things, especially and the first one as it is personal, so that one day I will look back and see what God has done.

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Am I losing it?

Am I losing my grip on Gods word? Sometimes if seems so. I pray that it does not happen. I need to fall in Love with God all over again.

There is also a big unmet gap in my life.

Logos Hope visit

I visited Logos Hope at Lieth at the weekend. It was good to see George Verwer and Peter Maiden. I also met victor and our own team on board were working very hard. I took the tour and the thing that stood out to me was the space that one day will be the hope theatre. I had myself photographed in it.

I think that it really brought home to me the potential for ministry that the ship has.