Friday 31 October 2008

Persistence in Prayer

I have just had one of those experiences this evening where God spoke clearly to me. I was flicking through the tv channels, when I came across Christian Premier Radio and the subject matter covered everything I have read recently in the bible about prayer, persistence in prayer, meeting the conditions of prayer and praying for things that will give glory to god. I have something specific that I am praying for and indeed the speaker pointed out that prayer in the bible that God answered is always about specific things. He pointed out that we can claim the promises of God, but we must meet the conditions. I found it uplifting and reassuring.

Blessing Scotland

this morning, I am giving a man a lift to the railway station. I pray that he is a blessing to the churches in Scotland when he gets there. I will be saying something about this in my next letter.

Sunday 26 October 2008

Tonights Prayer Meeting

I have just been in a prayer meeting with new recruits. It is wonderfull to see how they bond together. Sometimes long term friendships come out of such meetings.

I myself met a man when I joined and we have remained in touch since.

Friday 24 October 2008


I decided to put a profile on facebook and it contains a link to this blog. Who knows who or what is out there in cyber space.

I do not see this blog as a substitute for personal communication. I have done a great deal of that over the years and I intend to continue to do so, but for those who know little about me, then perhaps this is an introduction.

I joined the organisation that I work for having applied for a good number of others and was either rejected, OR there came a point where I decided that I would not fit in and I backed out. I was in recept of a monthly letter from the organisation that I now work for. One day the letter asked us to pray for people to joine the team. I prayed for OTHER PEOPLE, not me to join the team, but the next month when the letter came, it had details about the jobs and I thought, "I could do that", so I applied and here I am today.

the conference

Today the conference for those joining us got underway. It is a joy to see new faces, but it was also glorious to see a couple of old ones and to share fellowship with them for what proved to be all to brief a time.